Sunday Morning Thoughts

This 'column' i will like to post every sunday to sum up some thoughts i have in the week that i don't post normally or that i forget. So there i go with some ideas that came to me this morning as i tried to remember what i did and saw this week.

- Knowledge: In this times the world is full of information flowing arround the internet. In fact if you are reading this it means you have access to almost all the knowledge of the world. Every day there are new web sites where knowledge from all over the world could be shared. From the famous Wikipedia to Open Source Food where people can share recipies from all arround the world. So now we hace access to almost every piece of information that we need. Even with this blogs people could share knowledge with all the world. So now it is just a matter of all of the world population getting internet access and we will have access to unlimited information. The will be no excuse fro nor knowing.

-Innovation: I was watching a CNN interview with the CEO of Wikia Inc. and it came to me that in this times specially in the USA there has been a lot innovation specially in the internet and communications industry. We have incredible things like FaceBook, MySpace and others that help us to interact with each other. We have Blogger that allows us to share knowledge easily with every one. For example i'm part of some Forums on the web and it amazes me that new 'tribes' could be made easily on the internet. Fans of artists, wrestlers, television programs, bodybuilding, food and much more stuff are joining together no matter from what countries they are. Innovation is making distance not important any more and giving people opportunities all arround the world. It is obvious that today internet access is cheap and also phone calls. With programs as Skype and others calling people is almost free. And the next step is television. I've been trying Joost wich is a new software for internet television which is great i can't wait for them to start making deals with more channels so that we can really access al TV channels in the world on Joost. I think this will happen eventually as we have bigger broadband capacity and also bigger processing capacity on our computers.

Well i had more thoughts but i think i've done enough for today. I will try to share the rest as the week goes by.